
Memaw Cookies – A simple, tasty treat

By Lanell Downs Smith When my daughters were children, their Memaw always made simple but tasty cookies we ...


Nurturing Christmas in children’s hearts

An Editorial Opinion of The Demopolis Times Children write letters to Santa every year, sending thousands of missives ...


Days Gone Bye: The Christmas Coat Revisited One More Time

By Tom Boggs Well, since I’m mostly using retreaded columns these days, I figure I might oughter rewrite ...


Christmas: Time of God’s Open House

By Michael J. Brooks The prison warden circulated a note to inmates asking for suggestions on the kind ...


Christmas All Year Long

By Dean Kelly Minister, Highland Home Church of Christ It was right before Christmas, the year was 1968. ...


Are we there yet?

By Dunford Cole Pastor of Camp Ground / Rutledge Methodist Church If any of you have kids and ...


Picture Shows And BB Gun Fights

Came across a photograph of Mr. J.E. Williams of Diane Theater fame in Linden, and it got me ...


Disagreeing without being disagreeable

By Michael J. Brooks  I was rendered speechless—highly unusual for a Baptist preacher. I was in college serving ...


Rejoice – Jesus is near

By Dunford Cole Pastor of Camp Ground / Rutledge Methodist Church I’m often asked one particular question during ...


I Don’t Know What To Do

By Dean Kelly Minister, Highland Home Church of Christ Have you ever felt like you were on a ...


Homemade Biscuits: A breakfast favorite

Everyone has some kind of home cooked food that they enjoy. There is something about home cooked food ...


Our Pastor Drives A Ford

By Michael J. Brooks He was at the time a stem-winding pulpiteer and a denominational leader. He told ...


Acceptable to God

By Dean Kelly Minister, Highland Home Church of Christ In Psalms 19 David the Psalmist begins by showing ...


Hope for a troubled world

By Freda Reynolds  The Advent season begins on the first Sunday of December. The term Advent is defined ...


Days Gone Bye: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way Down

By Tom Boggs How many times have I heard somebody say to me about my years as an ...

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