
Crime pays in Alabama

By Stephanie Holden Smith President/CEO of Alabama Policy Institute Though the Senate’s stated aim was to limit the ...


Days Gone Bye – Ol’ Geezeres and Such

By Tom Boggs I reckon I pretty well qualify as a pure-bred Ol’ Geezer, having a recollection of ...


How to make great decisions

By R.A. Mathews Asa. That was his first name: Asa.  I was a child when Asa was hired ...


Jesus — A ruler for all time

By Dean Kelly Minister, Highland Home Church of Christ This past Monday was Presidents Day in our country. ...


Fake news: A product of opinion

By Michael J. Brooks I thought about it lately when I perused a list of political memorabilia for ...


God is never boring

By Dunford Cole Pastor, Camp Ground and Rutledge Methodist Church This Lent, Camp Ground and Rutledge Methodist Church ...


Our Father in Heaven

The sermon on the mount in Matthew is one of Jesus’ best known discourses. It is in chapter ...


Cinnamon Rolls – Better than store-bought

By Jalyn Zinn My older sister has been a baker for many years, and her delicacies have been ...


The Holy Season of Lent

By Rev. Dunford Cole Pastor of Camp Ground/Rutledge Methodist Church Over the next few weeks, the Christian Church ...


‘Where love is, God is there’

By Freda Reynolds February is the month we celebrate sweethearts. Valentines, candy, cards and flowers are advertised everywhere. ...


Tea Cakes – The old fashioned way

My mom recently told me that before buying packs of cookies from the grocery store like we do ...


The Rash Of Church Firings

By Michael J. Brooks It was a surprise to me when I was researching another issue. I remembered ...


A definition of love

By Dean Kelly Minister, Highland Home Church of Christ Define “love.” I will give you a minute to ...


How is your heart?

Hebrews 3:12-13 See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that ...


Party Mix – Appetizers for the big game

Sunday, Feb. 11 is the big day, showtime for the biggest football game in the United States. I ...

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