Gun thieves captured in St. Clair County
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Rick Couch / News Editor
With a little help from the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department, three suspected gun thieves are on their way back to Greene County.
Last Monday, the Greene County Sheriff’s Department received a call from Marvin Hughes of Clinton, who reported a burglary to his home and several stolen guns.
Days after the burglary, the suspects were apprehended in a traffic stop by St. Clair County deputies on suspicion of a separate crime.
The deputies said they matched the description of three white males in a burgundy car that were suspected in the crime and questioned them. Greene County Sheriff Johnny Isaac said during the investigation, they confessed to the burglary.
“They said they came through here and they decided to burglarize a couple of homes,” Isaac said. “They were able to complete one burglary of a home and were scared away from another one by a neighbor.”
Isaac said Greene County Sheriff’s Department investigator Charles Davis was in St. Clair County and planned to bring the three suspects back to their jail.
The stolen weapons, which included a 12 gauge Remington shotgun, valued at $1,000, a Remington 270 rifle, valued at $1,000, a .410 shotgun, valued at $500, and a Ruger .22 rifle with a scope, valued at $300 were all recovered. Damages, estimated at $50, were also reported to the window of the home.