Deadline nears to apply for tornado aid

Published 7:05 pm Friday, May 27, 2011

Only one week remains for many Alabama workers who lost jobs as a result of the April storms to register for Disaster Unemployment Assistance.

The deadline to apply for Marengo County residents impacted by April’s tornado outbreak is May 31.

To date, approximately 5,862 Alabamians have applied for DUA. The state-administered, Federal Emergency Management Agency-funded program may provide benefits for workers who would not normally qualify for unemployment compensation, such as the self-employed and farmers.

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Workers with storm-related job losses must register for DUA within 30 days of a county’s federal designation for FEMA Individual Assistance. Individuals must have been working or residing in one of these counties to be eligible for DUA.

If a survivor is eligible, benefits can last up to 26 weeks from the day of the April 28 federal disaster declaration.

Workers who think they may be eligible for DUA should call toll free 866-234-5382 or visit the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations website at to file a claim. To-date, 396 applications have been filed in Marengo County with more than $360,000 awarded.