Mayor had help in his accomplishments
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Dear Editor:
As a "grown-up child," I enjoyed Jan McDonald’s article about being named the grand marshal for this year’s COTR day parade.
I do need to clear up a couple of points. While I am very proud of what has been accomplished, along with council members I have served with over the years, the idea of a SportsPlex was not mine, but rather that of Johnny Brooker. For several years in the mid and late 1980s, property was looked for until finally the present site became available. After the Council agreed to purchase the property, the original estimate for baseball and softball fields was about $2 million.
Kim Mayton was instrumental in getting a four-field baseball complex completed. Later, Chuck Smith became involved in adding little league and softball fields. Both gentlemen had plenty of help from businesses and industries in the area, for which we are all grateful.
The latest additions have been soccer fields, an 18-hole golf course, a playground, and an additional concession stand. The price tag for all the improvements is still less than the original estimates because of those who have volunteered time and equipment to make it happen.
Secondly, Hugh Allen, who I replaced as Mayor when he moved to Selma in 1985, is very active and still living in Selma.
Austin Caldwell