Community calendar returns

Published 5:06 pm Thursday, September 14, 2023

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An Editorial Opinion of The Demopolis Times

A few years ago, the Demopolis Times had a dedicated Community Calendar that was consistently updated and kept the community informed of upcoming events. Unfortunately, the community calendar fell by the wayside in 2020 when the pandemic broke out and public assemblies were restricted. With very few events taking place, the need for a calendar in the paper faded, and the section has been absent for three years.

Now that in-person events have resumed, The Demopolis Times aims to bring back the community calendar, and the newspaper staff hopes the community will help in rebuilding this feature of the newspaper for everyone’s benefit.

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Community calendars are an important part of a newspaper, whether it is print or digital. Calendars help newspapers keep the public informed of what’s happening in the community, and help staff writers to produce more relevant content for readers.

While newspapers often know of some occurring events, there are times where we are unaware of the happenings of our communities and learn of them after they occur. With extra help from community members, we can better serve our readers by helping to preview events.

The editorial staff is asking for readers to submit any relevant Marengo County news to go on the calendar. Notices can include school events, public assemblies, church programs, reunions and local government meetings such as council meetings.

All submissions will be edited by Demopolis Times staff for conciseness and clarity.

Submissions to the Community Calendar can be emailed to Andrea Burroughs at or may be dropped off at our office at 200 South Cedar Avenue.