Demopolis City Council approves $231,000 for paving projects, fountain repair

Published 4:19 pm Monday, July 17, 2023

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The Demopolis City Council approved $231,000 for paving projects and to repair the fountain in public park at its July 6 meeting.

Before the regular meeting, the Council held a brief 15-minute executive session to discuss “monetary obligations.” Once the regular meeting began, Mayor Woody Collins said that at the recommendation of the Finance Committee, he would be making recommendations on several city projects that had been set aside.

The Council approved the funding to help Main Street Demopolis with repairs to the fountain in the city park, and repair and pave some city streets. Approximately $186,000 of the $231,000 will come from the Rebuild Alabama Fund, with the remaining $45,000 will come from a recent opioid lawsuit settlement.

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Under new business, the Council discussed rescinding a portion of Ordinance 2003-7 in Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the demolition in historic district. The matter involves a local resident who wanted to get a permit to demolish an old metal building in town. Requests for building demolition was formerly handled through the Preservation Commission, how the Commission has been inactive since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Because of this, Collins requested that the Council approve rescinding the wording of the ordinance that says “Preservation Commission” and replacing it with “City Council.” The Council voted unanimously to rescind the ordinance until the Preservation Commission begins operating again.

The next topic of discussion focused on CEMES. Collins said the company is currently working on a major construction project that involved them moving a large office trailer. The trailer has been placed on site but did not follow the process of moving a trailer. Collins said that office trailers follow the same guidelines as others and must go through the Planning Commission for approval.

However, since the trailer has already been moved to Demopolis from Mississippi, Collins has allowed the trailer to remain where it is currently located. CEMEX will still go to the Planning Commission about the process to move a trailer.

Other items discussed by the Council:

  • Approved Resolution 2023-07 Declare Surplus Property
  • Approved Resolution 2023-08 Declare Surplus Property
  • Approved the sale of Marengo Motors building to Kelsey Global Holdings for $25,000. Transportation is expected to use the building.
  • Approved resolution granting $50,000 to Industrial Development Board to complete the South Industrial Park connector road project

The Demopolis City Council meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 5:15 p.m. The work session begins at 4:45 p.m.