Bankers, lawmakers meet to discuss legislation
Published 5:38 pm Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Robertson Banking Company President and CEO Al Garrett was one of more than 1,000 bankers who visited the nation’s capital recently to voice their concerns about how current banking proposals could impact the local economy.
The visit, which took place last week, was part of the American Bankers Association’s annual Government Relations Summit.
Garrett and his peers met with senators Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby, Congresswoman Terry Sewell and other Alabama legislators to discuss recent regulatory changes and ways to enhance small business lending.
“Traditional banking remains the key driver of our economic recovery,” Garrett said. “Banks and small business have a shared interest in helping our local economy thrive. We will be successful as long as the regulatory environment supports – and does not undermine – job growth.”
Each March, hundreds of bankers from across the nation gather in Washington for ABA’s Government Relations Summit to personally share their concerns with high-ranking Administration officials, leaders of Congress and federal regulators.
Among the banking delegations talking points were seeking a faster turnaround time in which banks receive exam reviews; interchange fees; legislation excluding banks from the SEC municipal adviser rule; legislation that increases the SEC registration threshold from 500 to 2,000 for financial institutions and also raises the de-registration threshold from 300 to 1,200 shareholders and bill that would increase the cap on credit union’s business loans.
Robertson Banking Company has five offices located in Marengo and Tuscaloosa County. They are pleased to announce the opening of a new location in Tuscaloosa at 1835 McFarland Blvd. North. The branch will be open to serve customers as of mid-April 2012.