New Times site enhances coverage
Published 10:54 pm Friday, July 23, 2010
The Times rolled out a brand-new Web site this week. And while some of the staff — primarily me — were a little uncertain about it at first, the consensus at this point seems to be that it is a major plus for our coverage capabilities.
The new site carries with it a lot of options that were available on the old site, but were far less manageable.
For instance, a quick perusing of will reveal a handful of photo galleries that have been posted.
A lot of times, we go to events and take dozens of pictures. But the print edition allows for only one or two of these photographs to be used. The old Web site had room for these things, but the process of uploading them was painstakingly long. And with a small staff, painstakingly long just is not doable.
Fortunately, the newly-upgraded Internet home for Marengo County makes these galleries quick and easy. That means we can bring you more images, more insights and more comprehensive coverage in a flash.
Also, those who want info in a flash can sync up to our Twitter account with just a few clicks. The home page has a box featuring the DemopolisTimes account while the sports page features the DTSportsGuy account.
If you cannot be at a particular game during football season and want updates, hop on over to the Web site and follow the Twitter feed. And, as always, you can follow us on Twitter and set it up for news and scores to come directly to your phone.
Also note the calendar at the bottom right-hand corner of both the home and sports pages of the site. As events come to us, we will upload them into our calendar and they will be available for viewing via the Web site.
Obits, public records, faith stories, life page features, news, sports and anything else we can possibly think of are now available online. And who knows? Maybe one day, we’ll even have videos available for your viewing pleasure.
It isn’t perfect yet, as we still have a few kinks to work out. But overall, we are really excited about what the new is going to let us do for you.