Colonial Book Club met at the start of the month
Published 4:01 pm Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Colonial Book Club met at the home of Mary Beth Freeman on Thursday, October 2nd. Betty McCormick opened the first meeting of the new club year by thanking Mary Beth for being hostess. She then asked Patty Horton to lead the members in reading the Club Collect.
Diane Busby called the roll and then read the minutes of the last meeting, which were approved. Georgette Griffith gave the treasurer’s report, and also collected the annual dues.
The short subject theme for this year, Historical Tidbits:” A five minute anecdote from the life of your antecedents” was most interestingly given by Lee Williams. She told of her two grandmothers. She described the home of one of her grandmothers, and she reminisced of visiting with her during her early childhood.
Patty Horton gave the program and she reported on books written by Anne Rice, who did a lot of historical research, and most of her novels told about the life of Christ. She displayed one of the books, “Life of Christ and Birth of Christianity.
Anne Rice was brought up in the Catholic faith, but in her late teens she rebelled against her life as a Catholic and left the church.
Many years later, after much historical research and writing, she and her (former) Atheist husband were remarried by a Catholic priest in the same Catholic Cathedral in which she grew up.
Anne Rice wrote many books, but “Christ the Lord – the Road to Canal” was one of the most popular. The program was very interesting and informative, and beautifully told by Patty Horton.
The members enjoyed delicious refreshments and fellowship during the social hour.
Betty McCormick extended an invitation for the members to meet at The Napoleon’s Restaurant for the next meeting on October 16th.
St. Leo’s Ladies Auxiliary met in the Parish Center on Wednesday, October 1. Janice Alegria, Vice President, presided in the absence of Kay Courtney, President, who is on vacation to the state of Washington.
Janice opened the meeting with the members reading “A Prayer for the Unborn”.
Diane Busby read the minutes of the previous meeting, and Betty McCormick gave the treasurer’s report.
Janice read a report on the DCCW Deanery meeting in Jasper, and she offered for sale tickets for a Nativity Crche, for the benefit of the Seminarians in the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama. Tickets are on sale for $2.00 each or three for $5.00.
She also distributed lists of the local Seminarians and Missionaries with their addresses and birthdays.
Raffle tickets will be sold again for the Thanksgiving food basket; these tickets will be available later. Auxiliary members signed up for various items to be donated.
Diane discussed plans for the Halloween party, and this will be Sunday, October 26 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Member’s volunteers to help with this project. There will be judging for costume contest, cakewalk, craft table, and other attractions.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the members enjoyed refreshments and fellowship, Betty McCormick was hostess.