Polling measure defeated
Published 12:00 am Friday, July 4, 2008
DEMOPOLIS &8212; A motion to add an amendment to the ballot in August&8217;s municipal election regarding the number of polling places in the city was defeated during the regular city council meeting Thursday.
Councilman Jack Cooley moved to add the measure, which would give voters an opportunity to decide whether they would rather cast their vote in a central polling place or keep the current system of five separate polling places in the city.
Cooley, Melvin Yelverton and Woody Collins all voted in favor of the measure, while councilmen Charles Jones voted no and Thomas Moore abstained from the decision.
That left a 3-1 vote, but, oddly, not enough for a majority on a council with five members and a mayor who also votes.
After an extended search through prior minutes, the council decided the measure would be defeated.
Because Mayor Cecil P. Williamson does not always vote on measures before the council, Collins said he does not consider the mayor&8217;s seat to be an official &8220;voting seat.&8221;
Ironically, Williamson did not vote on Cooley&8217;s proposal either, and the measure fell with three votes in favor and two against after Moore changed his vote to &8220;no.&8221;
Another measure failed, but was seemingly tabled after the vote was called.
The resolution for the city to vacate an undeveloped street and alley between two properties at the corner of Cedar Ave. and Windsor Ave. failed after council members said they did not have sufficient information to make an informed decison.
The measure failed by a 2-0 vote, with three council members abstaining.
In other business, the council:
4passed a weed abatement measure, allowing the department of public works to mow lawns of overgrown properties once all legal measures have been taken by the city.
4approved a stipend of $50 a day to compensate an absentee ballot elections manager
4approved the official electronic vote-counting machines for the municipal elections.