EDITORIAL: Use e-mail to make our Dec. 8 deadline
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Attention all you good boys and girls, Santa Claus has signed up for an e-mail with The Demopolis Times.
That’s right, this year good ol’ St. Nick is getting his Christmas list from local children through a special e-mail we have set up at the newspaper.
For years, technology has been used to track Santa Claus as he flew through the skies on Christmas Eve.
In recent years, Santa has set up e-mails and Web sites with businesses and stores and media outlets around the world.
This year, though, he’s come local with an e-mail address just for us &045; santa@demopolistimes.com.
On Friday, Dec. 15, we’re going to publish a special section filled with letters to Santa. We’re delivering special forms to the schools next week. Starting tomorrow, that same form will be found in the newspaper every day until our deadline.
And in addition, we’ll take e-mail submissions to santa@demopolistimes.com.
Just make sure to include the child’s name, age, a parent’s name and phone number. While we won’t publish the parent’s name or phone number, we always like to have it for verification.
Our deadline for this special section is Wednesday, Dec. 8. That will give us enough time to get all the letters
and e-mails forwarded on up to the North Pole so Santa can check the lists, make the toys and get them ready for special delivery.
While we can’t promise everyone will get everything on their list, we promise we’ll at least deliver the message. We look forward to reading all of the letters and sharing them with you.