Will Louisiana be ready this year?
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 9, 2006
It’s been about 10 months since Katrina hit Southeast Louisiana. With all the stress of a hurricane that feels like it was only yesterday, the question is, will the residents of Louisiana be able to stand another Category-4 hurricane?
Residents of Southeast Louisiana and Southwest Mississippi are still recovering with all of the damage and stress Katrina’s fury left behind.
On the highways, there are still workers trying to clear the debris from a catastrophe that happened ten months ago.
A lot of the speculation centers on the repairs on homes and how long it’s taking for things to get done.
FEMA trailers are still slowly being given out and, in eight months, they will have to be picked up again.
With an election going on for mayor of New Orleans, we are trying to pick up quickly so we’re ready for our next hurricane season.
The levy system has been repaired to withstand a Category-3 hurricane.
There has been great speculation from the residents of New Orleans, who wonder why we repaired our levy system to the way it was before,
only for the same damage or worse to happen again.
At this point, more than 3,000 contractors are working to repair damages on the levees in total worth of more than
$798 million dollars.
They are making the walls of the levee longer and deeper to be able to with hold more water.
They are repairing the areas of the levees that were broken and damaged.
The thing that worries everyone is what about the areas that weren’t broken, are they going to redo those parts too? With the job only 73 percent done, people are starting to have doubts.
It’s only inevitable for another strong hurricane to come again, but the question is, will we be ready?
Hurricane season is from June 1 to Nov. 30. There is only so much one state can handle. Katrina came with more than just damage to our home and our state, it brought emotional pain and the loss of loved ones.
New Orleans, in my opinion, can’t stand another hurricane so soon.
Within less than 24 hours, our lives were turned around. And it could have been done only for it to happen again. In 22 days we will find out if we will have to go through it again. Whether or not we will be ready this time is what we will have to wait to find out.
– Amanda Perdomo is a Slidell, La., native who lived in Demopolis during the four months after Hurricane Katrina. Her column appears each Tuesday in The Times.