Livingston Scout Camporee attracts excellent turnout
Published 12:00 am Monday, March 22, 2004
The Prairie District of the Black Warrior Council held their annual Spring Camporee this year for the first time in Livingston. Four local Troops, Troop 41 from Demopolis, Troop 42 from Linden, Troop 13 from Greensboro and Troop 9 from Livingston all participated in this event.
Over 40 scouts and 20 leaders were involved in this event. The camporee was held at Lake LU in Livingston, which allowed for plenty of fishing for the boys. One scout even caught a six and a half pound bass during the camporee.
The camporee started on Friday night with an opening campfire and Saturday was filled with activities such as orienting, archery, first aide and the main event of the camporee, the first ever catapult shootout. The camporee closed on Sunday morning with an awards ceremony.
The catapult shootout was a highly contested event. There was the big slinging thingy from Troop 9; it looked a lot like the medieval siege weapon called a trebuchet and the Flenza from Troop 41.
Troop 41 won the accuracy contest and Troop 9 won the distance contest with an incredible 112 feet. Scout Master of Troop 9 Doyle Truelove said that the catapult contest was a lot of fun and his scouts really enjoyed building their catapult.
“This contest really showed the creativity of the local scouts and their willingness to create something as a team,” Truelove said.
Troop 9 also sponsored the event and planned all the activities throughout the camporee. Truelove said that this event was a great success.
“We had a excellent turnout for this camporee. I can’t wait until we have the camporee here again next year,” Truelove said.